Fatigue is a commonly experienced symptom by people of all ages, and it can be described in different ways such as extreme tiredness, feeling weary, lack of energy, or exhaustion after physical exertion. In India, fatigue can often be attributed to lifestyle factors such as work pressure, lack of sleep, and poor diet. However, it is important to note that fatigue can also be a sign of a serious underlying health condition, such as heart failure.

Heart failure is a medical condition characterized by the heart's inability to circulate enough blood to fulfil the body's needs on a chronic basis. It can develop due to a variety of factors including coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, or previous heart attacks. Heart failure can lead to symptoms such as shortness of breath, swelling or fluid retention, and fatigue.

Fatigue and Heart Failure

Fatigue is a less common symptom of heart failure but is often overlooked. In people with heart failure, the pumping ability of the heart is reduced, causing the body to redirect blood flow to the vital organs which need it most. This can cause less blood to be available to nourish the muscles in the arms and legs, leading to fatigue.

The presence of other illnesses or the side effects of medication can also lead to fatigue. Persistent and new fatigue may suggest the development of heart failure. Due to the heart's increased workload to circulate blood throughout the body and reduced oxygenated blood volume, the body redirects blood flow to vital organs, such as the heart, kidneys, and brain. As a result, fewer of the body's waste products are eliminated, leading to decreased energy levels, muscle aches, and fatigue.

Daily Activities and Fatigue

Fatigue can interfere with the activities we do every day. Tasks that were once simple, such as cooking, doing laundry, shopping, or carrying packages can become too strenuous. Simply walking or climbing a few steps can be tiring and draining. It is essential to be aware of what activities cause fatigue and if it gets worse. For example, if walking to the mailbox without experiencing fatigue was once easy but now exhausts you, make sure to let your family and healthcare team know.

It is possible to take certain measures to boost your efficiency and save your energy. Your healthcare team, such as physical and occupational therapists, can assist you in learning how to carry out your daily routine activities in the most energy-efficient manner. They can guide you with tips on how to stand up and sit down with fewer movements, offer suggestions on working in the kitchen or laundry room with minimal exertion, and provide other ideas that can be helpful in your home or workplace.

Exercise and Fatigue

Exercise intolerance refers to the inability to perform physical activity and exercise at a regular level, which often leads to reduced physical activity. However, regular exercise can boost energy levels and help build muscles, which is crucial in managing heart failure. Whether it's a daily walk or going to the gym 3-5 times a week, exercise can enhance stamina and decrease stress levels.

Before starting or changing an exercise routine, it is always important to consult with a physician who can recommend an appropriate activity level based on one's specific condition. It is also noteworthy that some people with heart failure may have limitations on their physical activity and may require the guidance of a healthcare professional to exercise safely.


Fatigue is a common symptom, and it is often attributed to lifestyle factors in India. However, it is essential to recognize that fatigue can also be a sign of heart failure or other serious health conditions. Identifying the underlying cause of fatigue is important in managing the condition effectively. People with heart failure should also work closely with their healthcare team to identify activities that cause fatigue and learn how to conserve their energy while maintaining their heart health.

Aloha Clinics has helped many people maintain a healthy life through the effective management of their underlying heart failure condition.

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